Home Movies Wiki
Coach John McGuirk


Coach Jonovan Alden McGuirk
Soccer Coach
1st Appearance:
Last Appearance:
April 1st, 1986
Pedro (deceased uncle), Donna (sister) John's father (father) John's mother (mother)
Black hole beer
Giving Brendan bad advice
Making fun of Mr. Lynch

Coach John McGuirk (voiced by H. Jon Benjamin) is Brendon and Melissa's incompetent, greasy, acerbic soccer coach and a overweight, alcoholic Irish-American artist who constantly gives Brendon bad advice.


McGuirk considers Brendon, Melissa and Jason his friends and will usually help them out or stick up for them even though he is often rude to them (especially Melissa). He often attempts to portray a father figure for Brendon, as in the show's finale. Also, he frequently attempts to reach out to Ronald Lynch and Melissa's dad, Erik, however his misguided attempts often fail due mainly to his poor attitude.

He often tries to impress or court Paula, Brendon's mom. McGuirk also admits that he hates soccer and has never played soccer, despite being the elementary school's soccer coach. In one episode, it was revealed that he was a Scottish highland dancer (although he is Irish) as a child.

He can be an intensely angry person though he usually is able to deal with it through getting drunk and screaming in his apartment. Also in that episode it is revealed that he was a veteran of the Gulf War. But it is unknown if he made that up to get a managers' position.

Despite all of his glaring flaws, McGuirk does mean well and his actions often speak more than his shoddy if attempted advice, which is often seen more as entertaining by Brendon, Jason, and Melissa than informative. While not being an entirely responsible adult, there are times where McGuirk treats and respects Brendon and his friends better than most adult figures in their lives, some examples being in "Shore Leave", where he miraculously appears to give a ride, safeguards, and treats the kids after Brendon and Melissa's miserably terrible weekends, in "Identifying a Body", he serendipitously spirits away Brendon from school, using Brendon's money to treat both him and Brendon as they make their way to the morgue to identify his great uncle; a better way to use his Walk-A-Thon money than under Mr. Lynch's petty purposes, and in "Storm Warning", he watches over the kids, including Josie, when his plan to impress his sister are cut short when a tornado hits town while Paula is out trying to get her story published.

There are also times where he is the most reasonable and relatable individual in the show. In "Storm Warning", he openly states his disdain for the old elm tree Walter and Perry are trying to save, claiming it an eyesore on the town, in "Psycho-Delicate", he engages in a feud against a hackneyed guitar strumming bum after he greedily refuses to allow him to correct the money he gave him and eventually beats him up and steals his guitar, saving the town from his crappy guitar playing. Despite constantly hitting on Paula, he is not lecherous or lustful, and with Stephanie, he refuses to have sex with her until he knows her better.


He is an overweight man with messy, straight, strawberry blond hair with thick bushy eyebrows. He wears a red jacket with red jogging-pants, red shoes and a blue whistle necklace around his neck. He is 5"10 ("Broken Dreams"). In episode 22 "Class Trip", due to an electrical shock, you can see he has a metal plate on the right side of his head. He has two tattoos: a cow on his left arm and the Chiquita Banana on his chest.


  • Brendon Gets Rabies is the only episode where Coach McGuirk doesn't appear.
  • In the Family Guy episode "Blue Harvest", Coach McGuirk is seen in the background at the cantina scene.
  • In the Homestar Runner episode "Happy Hallow Day", Bubs is Coach McGuirk for his Halloween costume.
  • Like many characters in the series, he is named after his voice actor, H. Jon Benjamin.
  • He got his cow tattoo at 18 years old.
  • He played golf in high school, almost making it to the state finals.
  • He went to school for architecture.